If you’ve been to a quality find and fuck site like https://findandfuck.com, you realize that when you click on a profile, it leads to many different pages. Each page has an ad. That’s how it works. Maybe when you click one page, you go to a penis enlargement ad. If you click on that ad, and you buy something, the website makes money. Other websites advertise other porn sites or sex cam sites. Again, if you either click on those ads or buy stuff being advertised by those ads, the online booty call site that you are a member of makes money.
Advertising works. Advertising provides the bread and butter of all these websites. The worst thing you can do is to install an adblocker so you don’t see those ads. That would be really fucked up because these websites are working overtime to deliver pussy to you. The least you can do is to at least look at their advertising.
This is the big bad wolf on online adult dating. A lot of members really run away the moment they feel that they are being hit up for paid memberships. Well, when it comes to OBC sites that actually deliver pussy, I would not be too stingy. I would not be a scrooge and deny these websites the fair compensation for an amazing job.
As I’ve mentioned previously, the vast majority of OBC sites out there fail to deliver what you’re looking for. Of course, what you’re looking for is sex. They fail to deliver that shit. Isn’t it high time for you to show your appreciation and gratitude to a website that actually delivers pussy by becoming a paying member?
It’s not too much to ask. Whether they ask for $39 a month or $69 a month or even $89 a month, that’s still chump change compared to the benefits that you’re getting from that site. Step up and refuse to become a leech.
An upsell is when a website gets you to register for free. For the most part, you get access to all areas of the site. However, if you try to send more messages or you try to increase your volume of activity on a website, then you would have to pay for a premium level membership. The main membership is free, mind you. But if you really want to take your anonymous sex dating game to a much higher level, you would have to pony up some hard earned dollars.
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